
Halion 3 price
Halion 3 price

halion 3 price

A 1920 x 1080 screen or larger is recommended. Formats are VST 2, VST 3, AU and (another first) AAX.


One side-effect of this change is that users will be unable to retain HALion 5 on the same system upon which they install HALion 6. Registration is via an eLicenser account, but for the first time, the eLicenser dongle is not a requirement.

halion 3 price

Before getting into it, however, let us dispense with the necessary details.

halion 3 price

It is the product of meticulous engineering, uncompromising attention to detail, and elegant design (spoiler alert: I think rather highly of this software). If HALion 6 where a car, you might be tempted to call it “a Mercedes-class vehicle”. HALion 6 brings a true sample-capture capability which probably makes it unique among all virtual instruments claiming to be “hybrid” in some fashion. Notice that above I used the designation “sampler” not “sample player”. You could also say that Spectrasonic’s Omnisphere also competes in this space except that Omnisphere is quite limited in terms of importing user-supplied sample content. The only real competition it has in terms of overall capabilities is from UVI’s mighty Falcon hybrid synth/sampler. Steinberg bills it as a “VST Sampler and Sound Creation System” (although it comes in more flavors than just VST). HALion 6 is a hybrid synth/sample player/sampler that is an extremely capable and attractive virtual instrument. It’s broad in scope, deep in functionality, and deserves your considerable attention. HALion 6 is the latest incarnation of Steinberg’s flagship virtual musical instrument.

Halion 3 price